react native: fix error for android release: Version code has already been used. Try another version code

When you receive the error "Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code." during the process of uploading an Android App Bundle (.aab) to the Google Play Console, it means that the version code you are trying to upload has already been used for a previous version of your app. The version code must be unique for each release.

Here’s how you can update the version code and version name in your Android project:

Step-by-Step Guide to Update Version Code

Open your project in Android Studio:

  • Navigate to your project directory and open it in Android Studio.

Locate the build.gradle file:

  • Find the build.gradle file for your app module (usually located at app/build.gradle).

Update the version code and version name:

In the build.gradle file, look for the defaultConfig block. It should look something like this:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.myapp"
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 30
        versionCode 1 # update version code
        versionName "1.0" # update version name
  • Increment the versionCode to a new integer value. The versionCode must be a positive integer and greater than the previous version codes used.

Optionally, you can also update the versionName to reflect the new version. This is typically a string like "1.0.1", "2.0", etc.


android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.myapp"
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 30
        versionCode 2
        versionName "1.1"

Sync the project:

  • After updating the build.gradle file, sync your project with the Gradle files by clicking "Sync Now" in the yellow notification bar that appears at the top of the editor, or by selecting "File" > "Sync Project with Gradle Files".

Rebuild your project:

  • Rebuild your project to generate the new .aab file with the updated version code. You can do this by selecting "Build" > "Build Bundle(s) / APK(s)" > "Build Bundle(s)" from the menu.

Upload the new .aab to Google Play Console:

  • Once the build process is complete, locate the new .aab file in your project directory (usually in app/build/outputs/bundle/release/).
  • Upload the new .aab file to the Google Play Console.


  • Open build.gradle (app module) in Android Studio.
  • Increment versionCode and update versionName.
  • Sync project with Gradle files.
  • Rebuild your project to generate a new .aab file.
  • Upload the new .aab to Google Play Console.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error and successfully upload your new version to the Google Play Console.