From now on, keep in mind, tag every post before publish it.
All posts will be in below 6 major tags:


every month, I will post a adsense report for that month. everything related to adsense should tag "Adsense".


If you post any codes, such as you solved a problem from leetcode. Please tag "Codes".

Spring Boot

All java backend related topics can tag it. Since I use sprint boot for most java apps.

React Native

I will build more and more react native apps. Every future post related to this scope, please tag "react-native".

Quiet Time

Everyday I should read the Bible and have some quiet time to think about the connection between God and myself. Whenever with a feeling, please post it with "Quite" tag.

Web Developer

My daily development work are all web related. I use to write a how to post once I figured out a issue or resolve a problem. Please tag it "HowTos".

Keep in mind, tag your post before publish!!!